AS 08 / 45-10 Stop Screw: Stop Screw with extended stroke, M 8X1, L= 45
AS 10 / 50-10 Stop Screw: Stop Screw with extended stroke, M10X1, L= 50
AS 12 / 60-10 Stop Screw: Stop Screw with extended stroke, M12X1, L= 60
AS 08 / 15 Stop Screw: Stop Screw, M 8X1, L= 15
AS 08 / 40 Stop Screw: Stop Screw, M 8X1, L= 40
AS 10 / 50 Stop Screw: Stop Screw, M10X1, L= 50
AS 12 / 60 Stop Screw: Stop Screw, M12X1, L= 60
AS 12 / 80 Stop Screw: Stop Screw, M12X1, L= 80
AS 18/100 P Stop Screw: Stop Screw, M18X1 / with O-Ring
For monitoring mechanical motions, Meto-Fer has a patented Stop System that provides fine stroke adjustment of the stop position and simultaneously provides an output in electrical, electronic, or pneumatic form to confirm that the stop position has been met.
Use of the Stopscrew with Extended Stroke and the QE-OSN-PS-11L Sensing Unit (see QE022-PS-11L data on page 12) enables achievement of shorter cycle times. Depending on designated stroke (5, 10 or 20mm) the signal is advanced accordingly by 5, 10 or 20mm before the end stop. (The signal will be held). Early signal compensation will be allowed for the start delay of a motion (approx. 0.1 sec.) through values and air flow
Technical Data
The stop screw is used to adjust the mechanical end-position of the motion.
The fine thread of the stop screw allows exact adjustment of the mechanical end position. The locknut secures the adjusted position.
The stop screw contains a spring and hardened stop pin, which operates the attached sensing element when the pin is driven to the end position.
The stroke of the hardened stop striker is 1.5 mm.
This combination eliminates the need for a secondary sensor adjustment after the hard stop adjustment has been made.
They come standard on all our rotary and linear actuators, or they can be integrated into your design as stand alone products whenever precision feedback and adjustment are required.